Friday, September 11, 2009

arigato gozaimasu~

ngee,,lawop lass.
date yg plg comey taun nih...
bak kater dyer tuss..'cmey klu nikoh tarikh nih'
hak2.,lucu lass..
tp sene gop least ak ingt annivesary sep mu..
mugo same nge besday i.hak2..
notim much to say...
tenkiu kpd org2 yg tlh wish ktku tuss,,
ak raser xder beza sgt besday ak ngan arie2 biasa..
ntah ah,,raser cam biaser jer..
perlu ker kiter mnjdi matured klu dae ckup umo doh?
ak raser x perlu..atah individu la 2..huk2..
tp key..plek ahh.
stiap kali wish yg ak trima drp teman2 dn shbt..
pakat duk oyt moga ak cpt2 dpt j****..haha
pe kess laaa...buang tabiat kot..haha..
bhyo laaa.
tp,mungkin ak akn dpt sesuatu yg luar biasa nanti..hihi..
abe ak pnyer besday sari sblm ak..0809..[tanjobi omedeto]
kiut kan?? mce ak nge abe ak nih tikah sari jah..
pdha 3 terok ah abe ak nih..
ak mitok adios mugo go tu..
nyoh oyt nok wi hok second hand jah,..
pirahss..kedekut pnyer mnusia..
tp xpo..asa bg jer...hahaha..
doppom bg duit.ak g beli sdri...hehe..

aih..rayo x lamo doh nihh..
lipa rayo x beli agi..ajat2 nok g cri kt billion.
tp skalo x dop mano pilihe x po..
nok g cari cd bigbang biggggshooow nge pina..

bo2..abih doh waktu utk on9..
nok g kelis nurkasih plop..

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setelah sekian lama

Assalamualaikum wbt setelah sekian lama... and its now 2017 guys!!!!! ya Allah..punya laaaa sis rindu tahap x terkata kt blog nie.. waa...